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   ̽ : 02) 6412-0125~9 / nice@nicebook.kr

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  ͷ ٶϴ. ( 02-6412-0125 / nice@nicebook.kr)


6 Missions Frontier_Street Evangelism Works in East Asian Megacity
8 Interview_Rush Witt: A Better Way of Escape
12 Stories of Compassion_Three Ways to Nurture My Children
15 Bible Intro

Daily Devotionals
18 How to Use Living Life
20 QT Note
22 1 Kings 12?22

Weekly Bible Studies
164 In Rebellion (1 Kings 12:12?20)
166 The Consequences of Disobedience (1 Kings 13:25?34)
168 Opportunities for Faith (1 Kings 17:1?16)
170 Gods Silent Ways (1 Kings 19:11?21)
172 Speaking Gods Truth (1 Kings 22:13?28)

174 Dear Pastor Sam_I feel confused by Christian counseling.
176 Life & Culture_What Good Is God? by Vaneetha Rendall Risner
179 Reasonable Hope_The Gospel accounts are contradictory. How can you trust them?
181 Bookshelf_You Are a Theologian by J. T. English and Jen Wilkin
182 Music Corner_Kenotic Metanoia by Lacey Sturm

QT Living Life ѱ ƴ϶ ũõ ϳ ϸ Ʒ ׾ưµ ǰ մϴ. , پ ȭ ܱ ؼ QT ư ֽϴ.<BR> <BR> Living Life exists to provide a comprehensive devotional tool that will aid in the spiritual growth of believers through Bible reading, meditation, reflection, and memorization. Living Life desires to take people through books of the Bible both broadly and deeply. Along with Scripture, Living Life also provides prayer guides, fasting guides, and articles that touch upon cultural issues and missions work around the world. It is a tool that aids in the development of spiritual disciplines to facilitate spiritual growth.

6 Missions Frontier_Many Hear Gospel in Belgium
8 Interview_Laura Howe: Making the Church a Place of Hope
12 Stories of Compassion_A Joyful Greenhouse
15 Bible Intro

Daily Devotionals
18 How to Use Living Life
20 QT Note
22 1 Kings 1–11

Weekly Bible Studies
162 Gods Promises and His King (1 Kings 1:38–53)
164 Undivided Devotion (1 Kings 3:1–15)
166 The Glory of the Lord (1 Kings 8:1–11)
168 The Purpose of Obedience (1 Kings 8:54–66)

170 Dear Pastor Sam_Everyone around Me Is Too Busy for Friendships
172 Life & Culture_God Wants to Shape Your Wants by John Piper
175 Reasonable Hope_What evidence do you have for Jesus resurrection?
177 Bookshelf_Faithful Exiles by Ivan Mesa & Elliot Clark
178 Music Corner_Faithful by Hannah Schaefer

QT Living Life ѱ ƴ϶ ũõ ϳ ϸ Ʒ ׾ưµ ǰ մϴ. , پ ȭ ܱ ؼ QT ư ֽϴ.<BR> <BR> Living Life exists to provide a comprehensive devotional tool that will aid in the spiritual growth of believers through Bible reading, meditation, reflection, and memorization. Living Life desires to take people through books of the Bible both broadly and deeply. Along with Scripture, Living Life also provides prayer guides, fasting guides, and articles that touch upon cultural issues and missions work around the world. It is a tool that aids in the development of spiritual disciplines to facilitate spiritual growth.

6 Missions Frontier_Refugee Journeys from the Jungle to Baptist Childrens Homes in Oklahoma
8 Interview Brenda Pauken: Beyond Boundaries
12 Stories of Compassion No Classroom, Still Learning
15 Bible Intro

Daily Devotionals
18 How to Use Living Life
20 QT Note
22 Psalms 42?61; Passion Week QT

Weekly Bible Studies
156 A Spirit-Filled Life (Joel 2:18?32)
158 Be Still (Psalm 46:1?11)
160 Transformative Forgiveness (Psalm 51:1?19)
162 Gods Glory and Our Prayers (Psalm 57:1?11)
164 Defense against Temptation (Luke 22:39?53)

166 Dear Pastor Sam_How Do I Share the Gospel with My Elderly Father?
168 Life & Culture_Singing Helps Us Feel the Gospel by David Mathis
171 Reasonable Hope_What evidence do you have that Jesus truly existed?
173 Bookshelf_Praying by J. I. Packer and Carolyn Nystrom
174 Music Corner_What Are We Waiting For? by for KING + COUNTRY

QT Living Life ѱ ƴ϶ ũõ ϳ ϸ Ʒ ׾ưµ ǰ մϴ. , پ ȭ ܱ ؼ QT ư ֽϴ.<BR> <BR> Living Life exists to provide a comprehensive devotional tool that will aid in the spiritual growth of believers through Bible reading, meditation, reflection, and memorization. Living Life desires to take people through books of the Bible both broadly and deeply. Along with Scripture, Living Life also provides prayer guides, fasting guides, and articles that touch upon cultural issues and missions work around the world. It is a tool that aids in the development of spiritual disciplines to facilitate spiritual growth.

6 Missions Frontier_Thai-American Couple Find, Feed Those with Open Hearts in Fukuoka
8 Interview_Barry Danylak: Singleness: A Gift to Celebrate
12 Stories of Compassion_An Honorable Young Missionary
15 Bible Intro

Daily Devotionals
18 How to Use Living Life
20 QT Note
22 Mark 11-16; Joel

Weekly Bible Studies
150 Seeing Jesus Rightly (Mark 11:1-10)
152 What God Values (Mark 12:35-44)
154 Watch and Pray (Mark 14:32-42)
156 Looking for the Kingdom (Mark 15:33-47)

158 Dear Pastor Sam_I Am Weary of My Suffering
160 Life & Culture_The Gift of Sustaining Grace by Vaneetha Rendall Risner
163 Reasonable Hope_Why do you believe in God when His existence cannot be scientifically proven?
165 Bookshelf_Resilient Faith by Lewis & Sarah Allen
166 Music Corner_Honest by Chris Llewellyn

QT Living Life ѱ ƴ϶ ũõ ϳ ϸ Ʒ ׾ưµ ǰ մϴ. , پ ȭ ܱ ؼ QT ư ֽϴ.<BR> <BR> Living Life exists to provide a comprehensive devotional tool that will aid in the spiritual growth of believers through Bible reading, meditation, reflection, and memorization. Living Life desires to take people through books of the Bible both broadly and deeply. Along with Scripture, Living Life also provides prayer guides, fasting guides, and articles that touch upon cultural issues and missions work around the world. It is a tool that aids in the development of spiritual disciplines to facilitate spiritual growth.

6 Missions Frontier_From the Field : How Can Your Church Help Orphans?
8 Interview_Cheryl Marshall : Others Need Your Encouragement
12 Stories of Compassion_Happy New Year!
15 Bible Intro

Daily Devotionals
18 How to Use Living Life
20 QT Note
22 Mark 1-10

Weekly Bible Studies
162 The Empowerment of the Holy Spirit ( Mark 1:1-15)
164 Jesus as Teacher and Lord (Mark 4:30-41)
166 Recognizing Jesus (Mark 6:45-56)
168 Do You Fail to See? (Mark 8:14-26)

170 Dear Pastor Sam_Drawing Boundaries
172 Life & Culture_When You Dont Have the Answers by Christina Fox
175 Reasonable Hope_What Is Apologetics and Why Do I Need It?
177 Bookshelf_Beauty Is Your Destiny by Philip Ryken
178 Music Corner_Hiding Place by HGHTS

QT Living Life ѱ ƴ϶ ũõ ϳ ϸ Ʒ ׾ưµ ǰ մϴ. , پ ȭ ܱ ؼ QT ư ֽϴ.<BR> <BR> Living Life exists to provide a comprehensive devotional tool that will aid in the spiritual growth of believers through Bible reading, meditation, reflection, and memorization. Living Life desires to take people through books of the Bible both broadly and deeply. Along with Scripture, Living Life also provides prayer guides, fasting guides, and articles that touch upon cultural issues and missions work around the world. It is a tool that aids in the development of spiritual disciplines to facilitate spiritual growth.

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