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[] HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW (Print+Digital) [6] ϹϽ (̱)

:   Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation.
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:   濵, /, /繫,
Ƚ :   ݿ (6ȸ)
(12) :  407,000 370,000 (9%)
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HBR û ּҺ , ù ñ 2-3 ҿ˴ϴ. ( 6ȸ )

ٷ ޱ⸦ Ͻø 2ȸ ߰ [6+2] ǰ ûϽñ ٶϴ. 

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(Customer Number ֹ 4~5 Ŀ ο˴ϴ. 02-2638-7756 ȭֽø ȮϽ ֽϴ.) 

Ʈ 6 ޾ ϴ. ¶ ̿ ſ 2° ȭ ֹ 2, ֹ 3 ĺ ̿ մϴ.


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 - ּ Ǽ ڰ ϱ ϴ ñ 2 ּҺ ûּ.

   ̽ : 02) 6412-0125~9 / nice@nicebook.kr

Ұ   ۾ȳ ǥ/  õ ֹ ǻ     

Ϲ Ͻ (: Harvard Business Review) Ϲ 濵 濵 1922⿡ Ϲ Ͻ ǻ (Harvard Business School Publishing) ó ǵǾϴ. ǵǸ, 250,000 ڰ ֽϴ. ǵǴ ̿ܿ 11 ̼ ֽϴ.

Harvard Business Review 1922 Ϲ 濵п л Ʈ ۵Ǿϴ. ù ° ȣ Ϲ 濵п B. ' ̷ ʼ ۾'̶ 翡 ߽ϴ. ̷ ׷ ٸ 迡 ſ  ǿ ൿϴ ȴٸ ؾ ϰ䡱״ . '׷ , ؼ ṵ̈, ϸ, 鿡Դ ѽ Դϴ.' HBS ǵ HBR 1993 Ϲ б 񿵸 ȸ Harvard Business School Publishing ǵǾ , HBS Press , å, , н α׷ ڷḦ Բ ϰ ֽϴ. 2001, 󵵸 ݿ ÷Ƚϴ. 1959 Ű Ų ų Ǵ ߿ HBR 縦 ߽ϴ. ̴ ɻ ׷ Դϴ. ߿ ϰ ʳ ߴ 巯Ŀ, ׿ , Ŭ , ں ĭ, ̱ 3 C.K. Ҷ ֽϴ. 

Harvard Business Review began in 1922 as an editorial project of Harvard Business Schools faculty and students. In the first issue, Harvard Business School Dean Wallace B. Donham described the aims of the magazine in the article An Essential Groundwork for a Broad Executive Theory. The theory of business must develop to such a point that the executive may learn from the experiences of others in the past how to act under the conditions of the present, he wrote. Otherwise, business will continue to be unsystematic, haphazard, and for many men a pathetic gamble. Originally published by HBS, HBR has since 1993 been published by Harvard Business School Publishing, a non-profit subsidiary of Harvard that also publishes cases, books (through the HBS Press), newsletters, and corporate learning programs and materials. In 2001, the magazine increased its frequency from bimonthly to monthly. Since 1959, the magazines annual McKinsey Award has recognized the two most significant HBR articles published each year, as determined by a group of independent judges. Past winners have included the late management guru Peter Drucker, who was honored seven times; Theodore Levitt; Michael Porter; Rosabeth Moss Kanter; John Hagel III and C.K. Prahalad.

  HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW (Print+Digital) [6] ϹϽ (̱)

  Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation.

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  ݿ (6ȸ)

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  ⱸ: 370,000, : 407,000 (9% )



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  HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW (Print+Digital) [6] ϹϽ (̱)

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  Ұ ( ؿܹ 񽺰 ʽϴ.)


  ͷ ٶϴ. ( 02-6412-0125 / nice@nicebook.kr)


HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW (Print+Digital) [6] ϹϽ (̱) - 2017. 09                    


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