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[] Ѵ(/ESV) ϼ

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ѱۼ() (ESV) ÿ ϸ а ֽϴ. ѿϼ ȭ ε / û л / ܱ ٷڵ /  ϰ е Ͽ ϴ. 溻 ϼ մϴ. ؼ ̰ ֽϴ. å ũ⵵ ϼ溸 ũϴ.


'ϼ' ڵ 濡 Ͽ ϳ԰ ΰ ϵ å̴. 'ϼ' д ƴ϶ ü ϵ ߾. ׸ 8⿡ , ž ϵ ȹϿ. ̳ ұ׷쿡 Ȱ ִ ׷켺θ ư, Ȩ ׷ ϰ ִ.

  Ѵ(/ESV) ϼ


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  ⱸ: 30,000, : 30,000 (0% )






  , , ťƼ, QT,  



ֱȣ ߼( 08ȣ) :

  Ѵ(/ESV) ϼ


  ¦ 1 (81Ͽ 9/10ȣ )


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  ϱ 3~5 ҿ

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  ļ ±ȯ, н ۻ ؼ ߼ ó


  Ұ ( ؿܹ 񽺰 ʽϴ)


  ͷ ٶϴ. ( 02-6412-0125 / nice@nicebook.kr)


Ѵ(/ESV) ϼ - 2024. 01                    

January / February Calendar 2
Time for Meditation ð 4
How to use Daily Bible Daily Bible 12

1 湬
Deuteronomy Intro Ÿ 14
The Word and Notes for November 1 ؼ 16
Ÿ 1:1-16:17

2 湬
Mark Intro 94
The Word and Notes for December 2 ؼ 80
Ÿ 16:18-18:14, 100-102, 1:1-7:37
Group QT Sharing ׷ QT 142
Sermon Notes Ʈ 158
SU News Ͽ 168
Reading the Original Book б 170
SU Korea Network ؿܿó 174
Standing Order Information ⱸ ȳ 176

Ѹϼ Daily Bible 溻 ִ ؼ ̸ ϴµ 帮 ϴ. Ӹ ƴ϶ ؼǴ ƴϾ θ ص ִ ȭ ̰ ؼҵ ֵ ϴ. <BR> <BR> * ְ - <BR> : ESV, <BR> : ׳ ü ǹ̸ ϵ Դϴ.<BR> : Ϸ縦 Ƴ մϴ.<BR> <BR> * а - ָ<BR> ְ 󺻹 ٸ ð ϴ. δ , δ ִ ҽϴ.<BR> <BR> * dzϰ - GQS(Group QT Sharing, ׷ťƼ)<BR> ( ) ִ Ȱ ؼ մϴ.<BR> ϼ桷 Ǿ ־ϼ桷ڿ Բ մϴ.<BR> <BR> <b></b><BR> <BR> Pray <BR> Pray that the Holy Spirit will help you to understand the passage correctly before reading the Bible.<BR> б ٸ ϵ ñ⸦ ɴԲ մϴ.<BR> <BR> Read the Bible <BR> Read the passage 2-3 times thoroughly observing who God is and what lesson he is teaching me.<BR> 2-3ȸ нϴ. 鼭 ϳ  , ֽô ̴ϴ. <BR> <BR> Thinking & Understanding <BR> This will help you to understand the passage more. We encourage you to read this part after reading and meditating on the Bible passage thoroughly.<BR> ϱ Դϴ. 溻 а Ŀ б⸦ մϴ.<BR> <BR> Application (Two Questions) <BR> These two questions will help you to apply the word in your life. Try to apply the word to yourself in specific ways.<BR> ΰ  ֵ Դϴ. ڽſ ü ʽÿ. ӿ ݴ ͵  ״ ְ մϴ.<BR> <BR> Prayer <BR> Respond through payer to what you have learned from todays words. <BR> ڽ ⵵ Ͻʽÿ.<BR> <BR> QR Code (Audio Service)<BR> ؼκ ֽϴ<BR> <BR> * One Year Bible Reading <BR> A schedule designed to enable you to read the entire Bible in one year.<BR> ϳ⵿ ü ֵ Դϴ.

Ⱑ ϴ.....



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